Imagine an office with a PlayStation, cosy corner with a fireplace and a zesty kitchenette with its own table for staff to chat and relax on their break. Our aim is to make our team feel at home while at work. After all, work can and should be fun!
The ad pepper team have moved and are now setting new standards in what it is to work digitally in a personalised, friendly environment. It’s autumn 2019 and the removal boxes are finally packed just in time for our 20th anniversary. Our desire to create a warm working environment is supported by how studies clearly show that our surroundings have a huge influence on how well we work. Flexibility, an open-plan design, and plenty of light and space – our new office breaks down barriers mentally and physically, helping us to think outside the box.
It was high time for us to find somewhere with more room to accommodate visible growth. Plus, thinking BIG requires space. We were very clear on what we wanted: a living room for our creative family and a modern place where we can engage in digital discussions in a way which meets all our wishes and requirements. A true work-life balance begins when you arrive in the office or even when you first think about how it feels to go to work. We wanted bright, open rooms with lots of space, style and charm and an atmosphere which feels like a home away from home. And that’s exactly what we’ve got! With our peaceful, state-of-the-art open-plan office, ad pepper is striking out in new, fresh directions and has built a place for our creative people to focus their minds.
We’ve packed all our things and are ready to move to our new home
In all honesty, who actually looks forward to moving? All the clearing out, packing, hauling furniture, dirt and constantly having tradespeople around you can get rather tiresome. Everyone wants the end result, but could surely do without the process beforehand. “It seemed impossible that we would complete the move by the desired date, but somehow everyone at ad pepper joined forces and we managed it,” says a cheerful Flo, our Head of Business Development. Thanks to our forward planning and excellent organisation, it was almost no hassle at all for our staff to move desks: “It felt like the move was over in ten minutes. All we had to do was pack all our things and off we went,” recalls ad pepper Sales Manager Selma.
We had to use our imagination when we first walked in and saw the shockingly bright blue walls. Imagining the place as our new home required quite a bit of creative foresight at this stage. But, hey, if we couldn’t manage that, then who could?!?! It took a lot of ideas, some fantastic tradespeople, fresh visions and a few pots of paint, and then voilà! Now we’ve got the space we need and our address has changed from C to D. ad pepper has moved and the changes are there for all to see.
Office with a share house vibe
Frankenstrasse 150D, our new office with a share house vibe. Or, to put it another way, Nuremberg’s first share house with added spice. Without a cleaning plan, mouldy food in the fridge and the usual chaos, but with all the benefits of share house life. The team’s such a good fit that they even put their coffee cups straight in the dishwasher without thinking twice.
These days there are a whole variety of innovative office designs, perhaps with canteens serving cuisine fit for a star-rated restaurant or on-site gyms for use on your lunch break. In fact, almost anything seems possible when it comes to making the working day more flexible and varied – and why not?! With our office, we want to create extremely happy, well-balanced staff and a touch of envy from everyone else. We mean, who wouldn’t want to work like this?
A relaxed atmosphere, in homely surroundings with the added zest of every single colleague – this is what brings share houses alive, and our large shared workspace is no different. Head of the household and Managing Director Susanne Pilz has created a brilliant place for us all to feel at home while at work: “Striking a healthy balance between work and home life is important for us all. But I feel that in order to help get the creative juices fully flowing, it is vital to build a workplace where my staff feel at home. Home is generally where people feel totally at ease and capable of expressing their ideas much more freely. This means that providing the right working environment increases communication between staff and helps them to talk to each other in a more relaxed manner.”