Feels lighter / Oh you fat thing!
What about your digital BMI? Your Bytes Mass Index? Underweight, normal range, slightly overweight, or are you already in the digital obesity group? How much digital spring diet would you need to fit back into your little black dress? Every person generates more than 1 gigabyte of data per day. An almost unimaginable amount that causes digital flab if we don’t consciously take care of it. Everything we store away makes us sluggish, slow and immobile over time.
Now that Lent is over, it’s time to clean up: Clean up, delete, sort! Digital diet is the order of the day. “It’s just a vacation picture” vs. “it’s just a piece of chocolate”?
Go for the bacon!
So it’s time to tackle the digital storage waste. Let’s work out together with a bit of exercise to get rid of excess digital bytes and tackle the next few weeks fit and lean. ad pepper’s digital spring diet melts away the excess layers: digital six-pack, instead of dangerous legacy.
The ad pepper diet plan:
- Your training plan: What do you want to achieve, what are your goals and how do you do it?
- Conscious consumption: What is really good for you, what should you rather leave alone? How many digital calories does it really take, what is too much? Always important: keep the desktop tidy and sorted. This way you can find your programs without much searching.
- Burning extra calories: Digital overweight needs a few extra miles, even if it’s hard and not always fun. Clean up, delete, sort, find new systems and processes – every extra mile is directly noticeable! The Windows Disk Cleanup is helpful here. Try it out right away.
- Stay flexible: Don’t rest on old patterns, keep questioning yourself what you can change or make more effective and design! Tip from our ad pepper technology expert Flo: Adjust autostart settings to prevent unused programs from starting when the computer is switched on.
- Set a goal: How light do you want to become? How narrow do you want the memory to be in the end? What fit image do you want to fit into? Stay up to date: To make your journey a little easier make sure you always keep up with the times. Updating Windows and other software regularly and always using the latest versions helps not to get bogged down.
- Make it easier for yourself and others: Inspire others with your spring diet, get them on board – together it’s easier and ensures long-term success! Why don’t you exchange ideas with your colleagues about how they organize their PCs? You can always learn from others. Help others reduce digital load through your deliberate scale, too.
Digital load makes everything slower, more burdensome and more confusing with each passing day! So, pack mers, get to the digital ballast of the winter.