

We have summarized the most important questions about our daily work in the form of FAQs and answered them for you.

How old is the ad pepper team?2023-07-05T11:26:57+02:00

On average, our team is 32 years old.

How long have you been around?2023-06-19T09:38:35+02:00

Founded in 1999 in Nuremberg, we work worldwide, interactively and target group oriented. Our experience helps us to always find new solutions in online marketing.

Where is your office?2023-06-19T09:39:18+02:00

The ad pepper office is located in Nuremberg, at Frankenstraße 150D.

How sustainable is ad pepper?2023-06-19T09:40:12+02:00

We are trying to do our part for a more sustainable society. We work paperless in the office, our water comes bubbled up from the tap and we cook together in the office to avoid waste.

Is there really only denglish spoken in an online marketing company?2023-06-19T11:16:50+02:00

Since many terms in the industry are influenced by English, one or the other Denglish term is sometimes used at the lunch table. But don’t worry: In our office you still don’t need a Google translator.

How do I contact you?2023-06-19T11:17:23+02:00

You can reach us by phone at 0911-1313460 or you can write us via the contact form on our website. We are here for you from Monday to Friday from 9 am – 6 pm.

How can I apply for a job with you?2023-06-19T11:18:04+02:00

You can find our job offers here. Is there something for you? Then apply via our website!

Analytics Search

How long does it take before I can see results?2023-05-22T11:00:28+02:00

It all depends on the measure. The improvement of the Google ranking through SEO measures can take a few months. With a targeted SEA campaign, however, you can achieve results directly.

Should you do search engine marketing even as a small business?2023-06-19T09:35:51+02:00

We think: yes! Effective search engine marketing is one of the best tools to expand your reach as a business.

What actually is SEO and SEA?2023-06-19T09:36:44+02:00

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. That is, we optimize your website to generate more organic traffic. SEA stands for Search Engine Advertising. So this is about advertisements that are played out on search engines.

Do you recommend search engine marketing?2023-06-19T09:37:24+02:00

Absolutely! Only those who can be found will bring people to their site. The most beautiful website is of no use if it only appears on page 6 in Google. Therefore, search engine marketing is an important tool to be found and thus generate reach.

Do you know anything about search engine marketing?2023-06-19T09:38:10+02:00

Of course! Search engine marketing has been an integral part of our services for years. So we are real professionals in the field.

Just some of our clients

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