Bigger, louder, better versus more flexible, effective, efficient
Digital ads can be so diverse: There are small, inconspicuous in-text ads or native ads, but also emotionally charged video ads or large DOOH screens.
But how do these online ads work best? What are the sizes and formats? What do you have to consider in order to arouse the interest of the users?
If you don’t have time to listen to our pepCAST #19, you can check it out here or contact us directly. Because:
It’s not the size that matters!
There is no blueprint for digital advertising media. With suitable digital measures, the individual target group is addressed at the desired point of interest with the right advertising message in order to have a successful effect. Which goals are to be achieved with which advertising message at which cost structure? In a nutshell, this means: How do we find the right forms of advertising, taking the following factors into account?
- relevant target groups
- maximum flexibility
- Range (steerable)
- Cost and time budget of the customer
For a long time, even in the digital world, the rule was: bigger, louder, better, and preferably still flashing and with eye-catching elements that were hard to miss. But today the focus is primarily on the correct use of the various forms of advertising and their corresponding effectiveness, which are perfectly coordinated and flexibly switched and meet the campaign objective. Accordingly, even smaller advertising media such as native ads can have an enormously large impact. They blend in ideally, are unobtrusive and yet extremely effective, especially their high click through rate makes them stand out.
In order to advertise effectively, an individual view of the campaign is needed in order to define an effective interaction of digital advertising media ads from the extensive offer. A standard form of advertising is certainly banner advertising – an effective classic of our daily work. The individual use allows different formats to place a clear call-to-action digitally.
Certainly, the IAB Banner Ads (such as Skyscraper, Medium Rectangle, Leaderboard) are the means of choice here. With a correspondingly higher budget, it is worth including video ads in the campaign planning. Whether native ads, banner ads, special formats, mobile ads, video ads, or newsletters – these advertising formats can interact, be supplemented, and expanded in so many different ways in order to address target groups with high reach and efficiency. With such flexible interaction, nothing digital can beat the effectiveness of a campaign.
For the creation of all common online advertising media can be found here more information that we can create as part of an online campaign.