Event: Social Media Marketing Bootcamp, November 10th, 2018
Location: Design Offices Nuremberg
„Until 2021 videos will make up 80% of content on social platforms“, predicts Lucas Hoffmann as he starts the six-hour Social Media Bootcamp with this claim. „Lucas who?“, you‘re probably asking yourself. Lucas Hoffmann is a Digital Growth Strategist and entrepreneur, regularly consulting companies on social media and inspiring participants with live shows and workshop programs – and so do our pepper marketing ladies Bianca and Alina.
The Bootcamp is fully booked, all participants are eager to learn from the expert. Lucas starts with the basics of a good performance in social media. This means first and foremost, working out the right social media strategy. The social media expert therefore urges everyone to set long-term goals for a period of six months and underpin these with short-term goals.
Tweets, posts, uploads – how to do it right.
Closely linked to the strategy is the right choice of platform(s). Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or something completely different? Many social media managers are faced with this question. Lucas has a very clear opinion: You can serve as many channels as you want, but all with the same intensity, passion and joy! In plain language, this means deleting channels that are only half-heartedly looked after. “You have a Youtube channel and haven’t uploaded a video for half a year? Delete it,” Lucas says resolutely. The expert’s motto is: inspire fans, establish trust, do business. However, the most important phase “establishing trust” falls by the wayside for many companies and is still so important, because over 50 percent of purchase decisions are influenced by social media.
If you want to build up a large online community with a high organic reach, you have to offer the follower added value. The best way to do this is to follow the motto “integration instead of presentation”. This means that you should not only be present photos and texts to the users, but also actively involve them through questions, votes and competitions.
Measuring success – drawing consequences.
Onliners analyse and monitor campaigns as a matter of course in order to achieve the best possible success. But very few do the same for social media. Lucas Hoffmann’s advice: Evaluate the posted content of the last seven days on a weekly basis using a traffic light system, for example. What went well, what moderately and what badly? In this way, badly running categories can be completely replaced or reconsidered.
Finally, Lucas reveals the recipes for success for the various platforms and presents many helpful – often free – tools for managing all accounts in social networks (for example: buffer.com). After a long but efficient day, Lucas finally dismisses his audience with the words: “Get to work, because social media is not a hobby!“
P.S. For more social media tips please contact us.